path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
authorPaul Davis <>2015-08-05 10:57:00 -0400
committerPaul Davis <>2016-02-22 15:31:23 -0500
commit6e5581253559fee9bf82fe3ba52ab2db07d3bed2 (patch)
treef73b0e9f58881411a22e3fd886b83039de36e21b /gtk2_ardour/
parent36023db8aa63d59d475c137e6b394f30e8cde1b7 (diff)
use Bindings API for binding replacement
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index f517217b0d..e95a73af32 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -121,7 +121,13 @@ KeyEditor::on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey* ev)
if (!ev->is_modifier) {
last_keyval = ev->keyval;
- return ArdourWindow::on_key_press_event (ev);
+ /* Don't let anything else handle the key press, because navigation
+ * keys will be used by GTK to change the selection/treeview cursor
+ * position
+ */
+ return true;
@@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ KeyEditor::Tab::Tab (KeyEditor& ke, string const & str, Bindings* b)
model = TreeStore::create(columns);
view.set_model (model);
- view.append_column (_("Action"), columns.action);
+ view.append_column (_("Action"),;
view.append_column (_("Shortcut"), columns.binding);
view.set_headers_visible (true);
view.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE);
@@ -200,19 +206,14 @@ KeyEditor::Tab::unbind ()
owner.unbind_button.set_sensitive (false);
if (i != model->children().end()) {
- string path = (*i)[columns.path];
+ Glib::RefPtr<Action> action = (*i)[columns.action];
if (!(*i)[columns.bindable]) {
- bool result = AccelMap::change_entry (path,
- 0,
- (ModifierType) 0,
- true);
- if (result) {
- (*i)[columns.binding] = string ();
- }
+ bindings->remove (action, Gtkmm2ext::Bindings::Press, true);
+ (*i)[columns.binding] = string ();
@@ -222,25 +223,20 @@ KeyEditor::Tab::bind (GdkEventKey* release_event, guint pressed_key)
TreeModel::iterator i = view.get_selection()->get_selected();
if (i != model->children().end()) {
- string path = (*i)[columns.path];
+ string action_name = (*i)[columns.path];
if (!(*i)[columns.bindable]) {
GdkModifierType mod = (GdkModifierType)(Keyboard::RelevantModifierKeyMask & release_event->state);
+ Gtkmm2ext::KeyboardKey new_binding (mod, pressed_key);
- Gtkmm2ext::possibly_translate_keyval_to_make_legal_accelerator (release_event->keyval);
- Gtkmm2ext::possibly_translate_mod_to_make_legal_accelerator (mod);
- bool result = AccelMap::change_entry (path,
- pressed_key,
- Gdk::ModifierType(mod),
- true);
+ bool result = bindings->replace (new_binding, Gtkmm2ext::Bindings::Press, action_name);
if (result) {
- AccelKey key;
- (*i)[columns.binding] = ActionManager::get_key_representation (path, key);
+ (*i)[columns.binding] = gtk_accelerator_get_label (new_binding.key(), (GdkModifierType) new_binding.state());
owner.unbind_button.set_sensitive (true);
@@ -248,80 +244,93 @@ KeyEditor::Tab::bind (GdkEventKey* release_event, guint pressed_key)
KeyEditor::Tab::populate ()
vector<string> paths;
vector<string> labels;
vector<string> tooltips;
vector<string> keys;
- vector<Gtkmm2ext::KeyboardKey> binds;
+ vector<Glib::RefPtr<Action> > actions;
typedef std::map<string,TreeIter> NodeMap;
NodeMap nodes;
NodeMap::iterator r;
- bindings->get_all_actions (labels, paths, tooltips, keys, binds);
+ bindings->get_all_actions (paths, labels, tooltips, keys, actions);
vector<string>::iterator k;
vector<string>::iterator p;
vector<string>::iterator t;
vector<string>::iterator l;
+ vector<Glib::RefPtr<Action> >::iterator a;
model->clear ();
- for (l = labels.begin(), k = keys.begin(), p = paths.begin(), t = tooltips.begin(); l != labels.end(); ++k, ++p, ++t, ++l) {
+ for (a = actions.begin(), l = labels.begin(), k = keys.begin(), p = paths.begin(), t = tooltips.begin(); l != labels.end(); ++k, ++p, ++t, ++l, ++a) {
TreeModel::Row row;
vector<string> parts;
- parts.clear ();
split (*p, parts, '/');
- if (parts.empty()) {
+ string category = parts[1];
+ string action_name = parts[2];
+ if (action_name.empty()) {
//kinda kludgy way to avoid displaying menu items as mappable
- if ((parts[1].find ("Menu") == parts[1].length() - 4) ||
- (parts[1].find ("menu") == parts[1].length() - 4) ||
- (parts[1] == _("RegionList"))) {
+ if ((action_name.find ("Menu") == action_name.length() - 4) ||
+ (action_name.find ("menu") == action_name.length() - 4) ||
+ (action_name == _("RegionList"))) {
- if ((r = nodes.find (parts[1])) == nodes.end()) {
+ if ((r = nodes.find (category)) == nodes.end()) {
- /* top level is missing */
+ /* category/group is missing, so add it first */
TreeIter rowp;
TreeModel::Row parent;
rowp = model->append();
- nodes[parts[1]] = rowp;
+ nodes[category] = rowp;
parent = *(rowp);
- parent[columns.action] = parts[1];
+ parent[] = category;
parent[columns.bindable] = false;
+ parent[columns.action] = *a;
+ /* now set up the child row that we're about to fill
+ * out with information
+ */
row = *(model->append (parent.children()));
} else {
+ /* category/group is present, so just add the child row */
row = *(model->append ((*r->second)->children()));
/* add this action */
+ /* use the "visible label" as the action name */
if (l->empty ()) {
- row[columns.action] = *t;
+ /* no label, try using the tooltip instead */
+ row[] = *t;
} else {
- row[columns.action] = *l;
+ row[] = *l;
- row[columns.path] = (*p);
+ row[columns.path] = string_compose ("%1/%2", category, action_name);
row[columns.bindable] = true;
if (*k == ActionManager::unbound_string) {
row[columns.binding] = string();
} else {
- row[columns.binding] = (*k);
+ row[columns.binding] = *k;
+ row[columns.action] = *a;