path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
authorRobin Gareus <>2016-02-11 14:07:32 +0100
committerRobin Gareus <>2016-02-11 14:14:01 +0100
commit6723f075d69a1e4fdaae3086051cada3dd15254e (patch)
treee0da58c63b0e5dc8ffa0040c66307daba91cb5ff /gtk2_ardour/
parent4b17bcb8b8fac06cb8bf2799c97b876ee8465d90 (diff)
post-export scaleable layout.
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index 0e445f40be..e4aac1e0fb 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <algorithm>
#include <pangomm/layout.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@
#include "ardour/audiofilesource.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
+#include "ardour/ardour/dB.h"
#include "audio_clock.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
@@ -41,6 +44,8 @@ ExportReport::ExportReport (Session* _session, StatusPtr s)
: ArdourDialog (_("Export Report/Analysis"))
, status (s)
+ set_resizable (false);
+ pages.set_scrollable ();
AnalysisResults & ar = status->result_map;
@@ -51,41 +56,64 @@ ExportReport::ExportReport (Session* _session, StatusPtr s)
for (AnalysisResults::iterator i = ar.begin (); i != ar.end (); ++i) {
Label *l;
VBox *vb = manage (new VBox ());
- Table *t = manage (new Table (4,4));
- t->set_spacings (6);
- vb->set_spacing (6);
- vb->pack_start (*t);
+ Table *t = manage (new Table (4, 4));
+ t->set_spacings (4);
+ vb->set_spacing (4);
+ vb->pack_start (*t, false, false, 2);
std::string path = i->first;
+ ExportAnalysisPtr p = i->second;
l = manage (new Label (_("File:"), ALIGN_END));
t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 0, 1);
- l = manage (new Label (path, ALIGN_START));
- t->attach (*l, 1, 4, 0, 1);
+ l = manage (new Label ());
+ l->set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_START);
+ l->set_width_chars (64);
+ l->set_max_width_chars (64);
+ l->set_text (path);
+ l->set_alignment (ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ t->attach (*l, 1, 4, 0, 1, FILL, SHRINK);
SoundFileInfo info;
std::string errmsg;
+ framecnt_t file_length = 0;
+ framecnt_t sample_rate = 0;
+ framecnt_t start_off = 0;
if (AudioFileSource::get_soundfile_info (path, info, errmsg)) {
AudioClock * clock;
- framecnt_t const nfr = _session ? _session->nominal_frame_rate() : 25;
+ file_length = info.length;
+ sample_rate = info.samplerate;
+ start_off = info.timecode;
+ /* File Info Table */
+ framecnt_t const nfr = _session ? _session->nominal_frame_rate () : 25;
double src_coef = (double) nfr / info.samplerate;
- l = manage (new Label (_("Channels:"), ALIGN_END));
+ l = manage (new Label (_("Format:"), ALIGN_END));
t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 1, 2);
- l = manage (new Label (string_compose ("%1", info.channels)));
- t->attach (*l, 1, 2, 1, 2);
+ std::string fmt = info.format_name;
+ std::replace (fmt.begin (), fmt.end (), '\n', ' ');
+ l = manage (new Label ());
+ l->set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_START);
+ l->set_width_chars (64);
+ l->set_max_width_chars (64);
+ l->set_text (fmt);
+ l->set_alignment (ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ t->attach (*l, 1, 4, 1, 2, FILL, SHRINK);
- l = manage (new Label (_("Format:"), ALIGN_END));
- t->attach (*l, 2, 3, 1, 3);
- l = manage (new Label (info.format_name));
- t->attach (*l, 3, 4, 1, 3);
+ l = manage (new Label (_("Channels:"), ALIGN_END));
+ t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 2, 3);
+ l = manage (new Label (string_compose ("%1", info.channels)));
+ t->attach (*l, 1, 2, 2, 3);
l = manage (new Label (_("Sample rate:"), ALIGN_END));
- t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 2, 3);
+ t->attach (*l, 2, 3, 2, 3);
l = manage (new Label (string_compose (_("%1 Hz"), info.samplerate)));
- t->attach (*l, 1, 2, 2, 3);
+ t->attach (*l, 3, 4, 2, 3);
l = manage (new Label (_("Duration:"), ALIGN_END));
t->attach (*l, 0, 1, 3, 4);
@@ -109,137 +137,197 @@ ExportReport::ExportReport (Session* _session, StatusPtr s)
t->attach (*l, 1, 4, 1, 2);
- ExportAnalysisPtr p = i->second;
+ int w, h;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
- {
- /* EBU R128 loudness numerics and histogram */
- int w, h;
- Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
- Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> nums = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 256, 128);
- Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> hist = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 540, 128);
+ // calc geometry of numerics
+ const float dbfs = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (p->peak);
+ const float dbtp = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (p->truepeak);
+#define TXTSIZE(LINE, TXT, FONT) { \
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().FONT ()); \
+ layout->set_text (TXT); \
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h); \
+ if (w > mnw) { mnw = w; } \
+ if (h > lin[LINE]) { lin[LINE] = h; } \
+#define TXTWIDTH(TXT, FONT) { \
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().FONT ()); \
+ layout->set_text (TXT); \
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h); \
+ if (w > mml) { mml = w; } \
+ int mnw = 0; // max numeric width
+ int lin[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // max line height
+ TXTSIZE(0, _("Peak:"), get_SmallFont);
+ TXTSIZE(1, string_compose (_("%1 dBFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, dbfs), get_LargeFont);
+ TXTSIZE(2, _("True Peak:"), get_SmallFont);
+ TXTSIZE(3, string_compose (_("%1 dBTP"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, dbtp), get_LargeFont);
+ TXTSIZE(0, _("Integrated Loudness:"), get_SmallFont);
+ TXTSIZE(1, string_compose (_("%1 LUFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness), get_LargeFont);
+ TXTSIZE(2, _("Loudness Range:"), get_SmallFont);
+ TXTSIZE(3, string_compose (_("%1 LU"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness_range), get_LargeFont);
+ mnw += 8;
+ const int ht = lin[0] * 1.25 + lin[1] * 1.25 + lin[2] * 1.25 + lin[3] + 8;
+ const int hh = std::max (100, ht);
+ int m_l = 2 * mnw + /*hist-width*/ 540 + /*box spacing*/ 8 - /*peak-width*/ 800; // margin left
+ int mml = 0; // min margin left -- ensure left margin is wide enough
+ TXTWIDTH (_("Time"), get_SmallFont);
+ TXTWIDTH (_("100"), get_SmallMonospaceFont);
+ m_l = (std::max (m_l, mml + 8) + 3) & ~3;
+ mnw = (m_l - /*hist-width*/ 540 - /*box spacing*/ 8 + /*peak-width*/ 800) / 2;
+ const int nw2 = mnw / 2; // nums, horizontal center
+ int y0[4];
+ y0[0] = (hh - ht) * .5 + lin[0] * .25;
+ y0[1] = y0[0] + lin[0] * 1.25;
+ y0[2] = y0[1] + lin[1] * 1.25;
+ y0[3] = y0[2] + lin[2] * 1.25;
+ { /* peak, loudness and R128 histogram */
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> nums = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, mnw, hh);
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> ebur = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, mnw, hh);
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> hist = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 540, hh);
+ /* peak and true-peak numerics */
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create (nums);
- cr->rectangle (0, 0, 256, 128);
cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
- cr->fill ();
+ cr->paint ();
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_LEFT);
- layout->set_text (_("Ebu R128"));
+ layout->set_text (_("Peak:"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[0]);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- cr->save ();
- cr->set_source_rgba (.5, .5, .5, 1.0);
- cr->move_to (6, rint (64 + w * .5));
- cr->rotate (M_PI / -2.0);
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
+ layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1 dBFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed,
+ accurate_coefficient_to_dB (p->peak)));
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[1]);
+ if (p->peak > .944) { cr->set_source_rgba (1.0, .5, .5, 1.0); }
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- cr->restore ();
+ if (p->have_dbtp) {
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
+ layout->set_text (_("True Peak:"));
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[2]);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
+ layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1 dBTP"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed,
+ accurate_coefficient_to_dB (p->truepeak)));
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[3]);
+ if (p->truepeak > .944) { cr->set_source_rgba (1.0, .5, .5, 1.0); }
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ }
+ nums->flush ();
+ /* EBU R128 numerics */
+ cr = Cairo::Context::create (ebur);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
+ cr->paint ();
cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
if (!i->second->have_loudness) {
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_CENTER);
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("not\navailable"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
+ layout->set_text (_("not\navailable"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), rint (64 - h * .5));
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), rint (hh - h * .5));
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
else if (p->loudness == -200 && p->loudness_range == 0) {
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_CENTER);
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("not\navailable"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
+ layout->set_text (_("not\navailable"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), rint (64 - h * .6));
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), rint (hh - h * .6));
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- int y0 = h * .5;
+ int yy = h * .5;
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
layout->set_text (_("(too short integration time)"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), rint (64 + y0));
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), rint (hh + yy));
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
} else {
- // calc height
- int ht = 0;
- layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Integrated Loudness:"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
- layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- ht += h * 1.25;
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Loudness Range:"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
- layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- ht += h * 1.25;
- layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1%2%3 LUFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
- layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- ht += h * 1.5;
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1%2%3 LU"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness_range));
- layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- ht += h;
- int y0 = (128 - ht) * .5;
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_LEFT);
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Integrated Loudness:"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
+ layout->set_text (_("Integrated Loudness:"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), y0);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[0]);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- y0 += h * 1.25;
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1%2%3 LUFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
+ layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1 LUFS"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), y0);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[1]);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- y0 += h * 1.5;
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("Loudness Range:"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness));
+ layout->set_text (_("Loudness Range:"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), y0);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[2]);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- y0 += h * 1.25;
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_LargeFont ());
- layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1%2%3 LU"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness_range));
+ layout->set_text (string_compose (_("%1 LU"), std::setprecision (1), std::fixed, p->loudness_range));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- cr->move_to (rint (128 - w * .5), y0);
+ cr->move_to (rint (nw2 - w * .5), y0[3]);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
- nums->flush ();
+ ebur->flush ();
/* draw loudness histogram */
cr = Cairo::Context::create (hist);
- cr->rectangle (0, 0, 540, 128);
cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
- cr->fill ();
+ cr->paint ();
cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
cr->set_line_width (1.0);
if (p->loudness_hist_max > 0 && i->second->have_loudness) {
for (size_t x = 0 ; x < 510; ++x) {
- cr->move_to (x - .5, 128.0);
- cr->line_to (x - .5, 128.0 - 128.0 * p->loudness_hist[x] / (float) p->loudness_hist_max);
+ cr->move_to (x - .5, hh);
+ cr->line_to (x - .5, (float) hh * (1.0 - p->loudness_hist[x] / (float) p->loudness_hist_max));
cr->stroke ();
- layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallerFont ());
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_CENTER);
+ // Label
layout->set_text (_("LUFS\n(short)"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, 5, 5, w + 2, h + 2, 4);
+ Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, 5, rint (.5 * (hh - w) - 1), h + 2, w + 2, 4);
cr->set_source_rgba (.1, .1, .1, 0.7);
cr->fill ();
- cr->move_to (6, 6);
+ cr->save ();
+ cr->move_to (6, rint (.5 * (hh + w)));
cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0);
+ cr->rotate (M_PI / -2.0);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ cr->restore ();
+ // x-Axis
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_LEFT);
for (int g = -53; g <= -8; g += 5) {
@@ -269,138 +357,207 @@ ExportReport::ExportReport (Session* _session, StatusPtr s)
cr->set_dash (dashes, 1.0);
cr->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
cr->move_to (rint ((g + 59.0) * 10.0) + .5, w + 8.0);
- cr->line_to (rint ((g + 59.0) * 10.0) + .5, 128.0);
+ cr->line_to (rint ((g + 59.0) * 10.0) + .5, hh);
cr->stroke ();
cr->restore ();
- cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_ADD);
hist->flush ();
CimgArea *nu = manage (new CimgArea (nums));
+ CimgArea *eb = manage (new CimgArea (ebur));
CimgArea *hi = manage (new CimgArea (hist));
HBox *hb = manage (new HBox ());
hb->set_spacing (4);
- hb->pack_start (*nu);
- hb->pack_start (*hi);
- vb->pack_start (*hb);
+ hb->pack_start (*nu, false, false);
+ hb->pack_start (*hi, false, false);
+ hb->pack_start (*eb, false, false);
+ vb->pack_start (*hb, false, false);
+#define XAXISLABEL(POS, TXT) { \
+ const float yy = rint (POS); \
+ layout->set_text (TXT); \
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h); \
+ cr->move_to (m_l - 8 - w, rint ((POS) - h * .5)); \
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0); \
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_OVER); \
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr); \
+ cr->move_to (m_l - 4, yy - .5); \
+ cr->line_to (m_l + width, yy - .5); \
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.3, .3, .3, 1.0); \
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_ADD); \
+ cr->stroke (); \
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < p->n_channels; ++c) {
/* draw waveform */
- // TODO re-use Canvas::WaveView::draw_image() somehow.
const size_t width = sizeof (p->peaks) / sizeof (ARDOUR::PeakData::PeakDatum) / 4;
- const float height_2 = p->n_channels == 2 ? 66.0 : 100.0;
- Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> wave = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, width, 2 * height_2);
+ const float height_2 = std::min (100, 8 * lin[0] / (int) p->n_channels); // TODO refine
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> wave = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, m_l + width, 2 * height_2);
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create (wave);
- cr->rectangle (0, 0, width, 2 * height_2);
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+ cr->rectangle (0, 0, m_l, 2 * height_2);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cr->fill ();
+ cr->rectangle (m_l, 0, width, 2 * height_2);
cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
cr->fill ();
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_OVER);
cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
cr->set_line_width (1.0);
for (size_t x = 0 ; x < width; ++x) {
- cr->move_to (x - .5, height_2 - height_2 * p->peaks[c][x].max);
- cr->line_to (x - .5, height_2 - height_2 * p->peaks[c][x].min);
+ cr->move_to (m_l + x - .5, height_2 - height_2 * p->peaks[c][x].max);
+ cr->line_to (m_l + x - .5, height_2 - height_2 * p->peaks[c][x].min);
cr->stroke ();
// zero line
cr->set_source_rgba (.3, .3, .3, 0.7);
- cr->move_to (0, height_2 - .5);
- cr->line_to (width, height_2 - .5);
+ cr->move_to (m_l + 0, height_2 - .5);
+ cr->line_to (m_l + width, height_2 - .5);
cr->stroke ();
- cr->set_dash (dashes, 2.0);
- cr->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
- Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
- layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ // Unit
layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallerFont ());
- int w, h;
+ layout->set_alignment (Pango::ALIGN_LEFT);
layout->set_text (_("dBFS"));
layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
- Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr,
- 7, rint (height_2 - w * .5 - 1), h + 2, w + 2, 4);
- cr->set_source_rgba (.1, .1, .1, 0.7);
- cr->fill ();
- cr->move_to (8, rint (height_2 + w * .5));
+ cr->move_to (rint (.5 * (m_l - h)), rint (height_2 + w * .5));
cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0);
cr->save ();
cr->rotate (M_PI / -2.0);
layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
cr->restore ();
- layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
- const float yy = rint (POS); \
- layout->set_text (TXT); \
- layout->get_pixel_size (w, h); \
- cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_OVER); \
- Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, \
- 5, rint ((POS) - h * .5 - 1), w + 2, h + 2, 4); \
- cr->set_source_rgba (.1, .1, .1, 0.7); \
- cr->fill (); \
- cr->move_to (6, rint ((POS) - h * .5)); \
- cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0); \
- layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr); \
- cr->move_to (8 + w, yy - .5); \
- cr->line_to (width, yy - .5); \
- cr->set_source_rgba (.3, .3, .3, 1.0); \
- cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_ADD); \
- cr->stroke (); \
- }
+ // x-Axis
+ cr->set_line_width (1.0);
+ cr->set_dash (dashes, 2.0);
+ cr->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
- PEAKANNOTATION (height_2 * 0.6452, _("-9"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (height_2 * 1.3548, _("-9"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (height_2 * 0.2921, _("-3"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (height_2 * 1.7079, _("-3"));
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
+ XAXISLABEL (height_2 * 0.6452, _("-9"));
+ XAXISLABEL (height_2 * 1.3548, _("-9"));
+ XAXISLABEL (height_2 * 0.2921, _("-3"));
+ XAXISLABEL (height_2 * 1.7079, _("-3"));
wave->flush ();
CimgArea *wv = manage (new CimgArea (wave));
vb->pack_start (*wv);
+ if (file_length > 0 && sample_rate > 0)
+ {
+ /* Time Axis -- re-use waveform width */
+ const size_t width = sizeof (p->peaks) / sizeof (ARDOUR::PeakData::PeakDatum) / 4;
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
+ layout->set_text (_("00:00:00.000"));
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ int height = h * 1.75;
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> ytme = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, m_l + width, height);
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create (ytme);
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
+ cr->paint ();
+ cr->rectangle (0, 0, m_l, height);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cr->fill ();
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_OVER);
+ cr->set_line_width (1.0);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) {
+ const float fract = (float) i / 4.0;
+ // " XX:XX:XX.XXX" [space/minus] 12 chars = 13.
+ const float xalign = (i == 4) ? 1.0 : (i == 0) ? 1.0 / 13.0 : 7.0 / 13.0;
+ char buf[16];
+ AudioClock::print_minsec (start_off + file_length * fract,
+ buf, sizeof (buf), sample_rate);
+ layout->set_text (buf);
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (m_l + width * fract - w * xalign), rint (.5 * (height - h)));
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0);
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
+ cr->move_to (rint (m_l + width * fract) - .5, 0);
+ cr->line_to (rint (m_l + width * fract) - .5, ceil (height * .15));
+ cr->move_to (rint (m_l + width * fract) - .5, floor (height * .85));
+ cr->line_to (rint (m_l + width * fract) - .5, height);
+ cr->stroke ();
+ }
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ());
+ layout->set_text (_("Time"));
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0);
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (.5 * (m_l - w)), rint (.5 * (height - h)));
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ ytme->flush ();
+ CimgArea *tm = manage (new CimgArea (ytme));
+ vb->pack_start (*tm);
+ }
- int w, h;
- Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
+ /* Draw Spectrum */
const size_t swh = sizeof (p->spectrum) / sizeof (float);
const size_t height = sizeof (p->spectrum[0]) / sizeof (float);
const size_t width = swh / height;
- Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> spec = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
+ Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::ImageSurface> spec = Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, m_l + width, height);
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = Cairo::Context::create (spec);
- cr->rectangle (0, 0, width, height);
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+ cr->rectangle (0, 0, m_l, height);
+ cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ cr->fill ();
+ cr->rectangle (m_l, 0, width, height);
cr->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1.0);
cr->fill ();
+ cr->set_operator (Cairo::OPERATOR_OVER);
for (size_t x = 0 ; x < width; ++x) {
for (size_t y = 0 ; y < height; ++y) {
const float pk = p->spectrum[x][y];
ArdourCanvas::Color c = ArdourCanvas::hsva_to_color (252 - 260 * pk, .9, .3 + pk * .4);
ArdourCanvas::set_source_rgba (cr, c);
- cr->rectangle (x - .5, y - .5, 1, 1);
+ cr->rectangle (m_l + x - .5, y - .5, 1, 1);
cr->fill ();
- layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
+ // Unit
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallerFont ());
+ layout->set_text (_("Hz"));
+ layout->get_pixel_size (w, h);
+ cr->move_to (rint (.5 * (m_l - h)), rint ((height + w) * .5));
+ cr->set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1.0);
+ cr->save ();
+ cr->rotate (M_PI / -2.0);
+ layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
+ cr->restore ();
+ // x-Axis
cr->set_line_width (1.0);
cr->set_dash (dashes, 2.0);
cr->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
- //PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[0], _("50Hz"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[1], _("100Hz"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[2], _("500Hz"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[3], _("1kHz"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[4], _("5kHz"));
- PEAKANNOTATION (p->freq[5], _("10kHz"));
+ layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ());
+ //XAXISLABEL (p->freq[0], _("50Hz"));
+ XAXISLABEL (p->freq[1], _("100"));
+ XAXISLABEL (p->freq[2], _("500"));
+ XAXISLABEL (p->freq[3], _("1K"));
+ XAXISLABEL (p->freq[4], _("5K"));
+ XAXISLABEL (p->freq[5], _("10K"));
spec->flush ();
CimgArea *sp = manage (new CimgArea (spec));
vb->pack_start (*sp);
- // TODO ellipsize tab-text
pages.pages ().push_back (Notebook_Helpers::TabElem (*vb, Glib::path_get_basename (i->first)));
@@ -409,13 +566,12 @@ ExportReport::ExportReport (Session* _session, StatusPtr s)
pages.set_name ("ExportReportNotebook");
pages.set_current_page (0);
- get_vbox ()->set_spacing (12);
- get_vbox ()->pack_start (pages);
+ get_vbox ()->set_spacing (4);
+ get_vbox ()->pack_start (pages, false, false);
add_button (Stock::CLOSE, RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
show_all ();
- //pages.signal_switch_page ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportReport::handle_page_change));