diff options
authorGreg Zharun <>2015-03-02 00:07:15 +0200
committerPaul Davis <>2015-03-31 17:29:42 -0400
commit708f4bf12bdcc8189d464d672860f8f9dd9df448 (patch)
parent22d68d14ce1dd28870a6bed295637d511a2f4f80 (diff)
[Summary] Removed unnecessary abortion
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.cpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.cpp
index 76b9fc8a51..7816fcb470 100644
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.cpp
+++ b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.cpp
@@ -950,23 +950,9 @@ void WCMRPortAudioDevice::stopStreaming (bool callerIsWaiting/*=false*/)
- std::cout << "Failed to stop PA stream normaly! Aborting the stream. Error:" << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) << std::endl;
- DEBUG_MSG( "Failed to stop PA stream normaly! Aborting the stream. Error:" << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) );
- Pa_Sleep(PROPERTY_CHANGE_SLEEP_TIME_MILLISECONDS); // sleep some time to make sure the change has place
- PaError abortionError = Pa_AbortStream( m_PortAudioStream );
- if(abortionError == paNoError || abortionError == paStreamIsStopped)
- {
- // if the stream was stopped successfully
- m_IsStreaming = false;
- m_pInputData = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "Failed to stop PA stream: " << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) << std::endl;
- DEBUG_MSG( "Failed to stop PA stream " << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) );
- m_lastErr = eGenericErr;
- }
+ std::cout << "Failed to stop PA stream normaly! Error:" << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) << std::endl;
+ DEBUG_MSG( "Failed to stop PA stream normaly! Error:" << Pa_GetErrorText (paErr) );
+ m_lastErr = eGenericErr;